truly upset
i am truly upset and disappointed. of all days why must it be today? worst part- it was last minute...
today was planned earlier...part of the plan has to be cancelled..upset. disappointed. feels like crying now...
it is just so difficult to make other people and yourself happy at the same time. you have to sacrifice to make others happy. can't expect too much from others. you expect too much and if you can't get it, disappointment is the answer...
i've got no mood now...
practicum starts routine once again...
a bit here and there
i went for the induction last thurs. it was really nice to see the principal welcomed us. the principal was so happy to see us and even said that if everything's smooth sailing for us, he will write to MOE and requests for the 5 of us to be permanent there. ermmm...i dun really like it there..cos of the colleagues. students are ok...quite easy to handle...
to see that insincere smile of hers makes me dun want to go to work. i am so dragging to work. i can't see myself working with her together for the coming 10 weeks and how am i going to work with her for the rest of my teaching life? damn it! where did i go wrong? or am i a threat? no i dun think so... 10 weeks! it's long...i guess i have to bear with it. hah, i don't have a choice, do i?
i had my TP test yesterday. oh i failed. an immediate failure. the best part was, after i mounted the kerb at 17a, i drove like nobody's business. i didn't care about anything cos there's no point in carrying on actually. and the tester was so sial. he was rushing me into doing everything. the warm up instructor asked me not to rush and the tester was rushing me into it. sooooo...aku drive sembarang...pegi mampos! kalau boleh dgn tester tu jugak aku nak langgar! i'm cool about it. may 08 is my 2nd TP test. i'm not giving up but i think i dun wanna think about it first cos now the most important thing is my practicum which starts this monday.
went to watch chingay. wanted to watch ayu dance..but the performance was at the centre but we were at the side. we could only watch ayu walked down. baju cute giler! one look, very fusion. two looks, so salah. i liked the fireworks was so near..both of us were excited to see the fireworks close-up.
thanks to haf for accompanying me thruout my TP. thanks for making me feel better. thanks for bringing me to eat after that. thanks for the time and thanks for everything.
and ayang, i still want my wrx...thank you..
sayang you banyak2...
2 more revisions to go tomorrow and bang!! TP!!
i dunno whether i will ever make it or not. haha! seriously i wouldn't want to spend more money on getting the license. i wanna clear this asap so that i can proceed to other important stuffs. furthermore, i wanna get out of ssdc asap cos it's wrecking my life! really. it's not the same anymore.
a friend asked me, "so are you getting a car?"
haha! didn't cross my mind though. not now. i have other plans. i can still survive with the public transport. it's not important for me yet. i have yet to work towards other plans first and then i can think of buying a car. with my future husband perhaps. yes, hopefully with him.
soooo, ayaaannnggg, can i have my wrx pleeeaaassseeee?
on love

coffee session. that was how we started off. thru a coffee session. we shared a little bit of us during that coffee session. i wouldn't say it was love at first sight. it was more to like at first sight. it grew to love. it's growing more and more.
it feels so nice being in love. to know that there is always someone there with you in times of happy and sad moments. to know that you have someone that you can count on in times of need. to know that you'll feel better once you've talked to him.
there will never be a perfect relationship. i am contented with what i have. with what he gives. love, care, concern, time, attention, etc.
up till now, we still go for our regular coffee sessions. we will always take the opportunity to talk things out. problems, future, gossips, etc. not forgetting the games and jokes. hah! five stones at starbucks. you really suck at it just like how i suck at playing soccer and singing.
both you and i are at our final lap now. i'm with my practicum and you're with your exams. and together we will work to achieve what we want. and together we will work towards our next step. insyallah.
annnnndddd...i'm no more daddy cranky or cranky kruger ok...
i feel safe with you and it's so nice to be in love with you...
all smiles..
Labels: love
i am in a total cranky mode...
i am so irritated...
a beach day out
initial plan was to have a reunion dinner together..a tradition every year..fifi made a last min the beach..7 of us altogether. all girls except for attar boy. why? the men were all working...
umie as usual, whenever she sees my face, there's only 1 question that she will ask.
umie: "atie, gossip?"
me: "dun have!"
umie: " useless!"
we discussed about some personal issues. she's happier, has more freedom. i am happier too and stress-free.. and we did gossip a little here and there. just the two of us since the rest played volley ball.
when we got back together on the mat...the 7 of us..we started talking about relationships. about men. about marriage. about our future. basically about everything. we shared. it was long long long time ago since we had good conversations with each other.
then we realised that our day wasn't that bad without men around. it hasn't been bad anyway. that's the power of girlfrens.
went for dinner at newton and headed for mustafa centre to buy some snacks. went to ida's place to hang out for a while...
headed home after that. i am suffering from sunburns. haf said i looked as red as the cooked prawn..
it wasn't that bad after all..hee...
Labels: gathering
play me this song...
play me this song...
i know you can play as well as him..
dun let your talent go to waste...
pls pls...
Labels: talent
out by myself
i had to complete a number of assignments and i couldn't start doing it at home yesterday. with diyanah and sabrina running in and out of the room, i can't seem to concentrate. furthermore, i was feeling a little bit down.
accompanied with my laptop, i headed for suntec city. the man was working, so i went out alone. headed straight to starbucks. got myself my favourite iced caramel chocolate. i sat down,with the wind blowing, i went into my zen-period and started doing my assignment. i completed the speech in an hour. rested for a while and continued with my powerpoint lessons.
i realised something about myself. i realised that i am more productive outside. away from distractions at home such as the tv, my bed, the 2 angels and all.
the man being the man of course will not feel good unless he sends me to my doorstep. so he fetched me home. the man didn't come empty handed though. he brought me food.
i wasn't feeling too good on the way home. wanted to vomit which i did. a little bit. outside the lift. didn't know why.
i had an early night yesterday. thanks to the man for understanding. thanks for making me feel better altogether. i love you.
sick of it
all i need is someone whom i can talk to. the next best person and closest to home. but i dun have one. i'm lucky that i have him. if i dun have him, i have no one. no one. i am not like her. dun treat me like her. i just need your understanding. dun lie to me cos you never understood my situation. any problems i encounter, i try to solve it on my own. i never felt better even if i tried telling you my worries. you know, sometimes you have to treat them as friends or you'll never ever be able to tackle them. sick of the silent world of mine...
something interesting...
TAURUS: The TrampAggressive. Freak in bed. Rare to find! Loves being in long relationships.=] Likes to give a good fight for what they want. Extremely outgoing. Sexy as........ Loves to help people in times of need. Outstanding kisser. Very funny. Awesome personality. Stubborn. Sexual as......... Most caring person you will ever meet! One of a kind. Not one to #### with. Are the most sexiest people on earth!
SAGITTARIUS: The Sexy oneSpontaneous. Horny. Freak in Bed. High appeal. Rare to find. Great when found. Loves being in long relationships. The one. So much love to give. Not one to mess with. Very pretty. Very romantic. Nice to everyone they meet. Their Love is one of a kind. Silly, fun and sweet. Have own unique sexiness. Most caring person you will ever meet! Amazing in Bed..!!! Did I say amazing in bed? Not the kind of person you wanna with you might end up crying.
anniversary day out
i was so happy yesterday. haf took the day off just to spend the whole day with each other since it was our anniversary. the plan was to meet up early of cos. told him that i was not going to wake him up. initial plan was to meet up at 1230. 1230? that's early for him. looking at him, i was pretty sure he couldn't wake up on time and fetch me on time. he told me he would wake up at 11am and to my surprise he actually did wake up at 11 ON HIS OWN! oh damn i wish everyday is our anniversary.
went for a movie at The Cathay. White Lady. well, it was better than Ghost Tunnel.

after the movie, like we have promised each other, we went for our seafood treat at newton circus. the black pepper crab was fantastic. but it ended us both in the toilet. we were there for a quite a while.

and then the last minute plan. wanted to hang out late but dunno where to go. mimi called and asked hafiz out for a karaoke session. mamal, tau haf and mimi. they wanted to call it a guy's night out but in the end, lala and me joined. so sorry guys. met them at about 11 and we sang our heart out. didn't care whether we can sing or not, we just sang! best!

thank you baby for everything. for the flowers. for the little card. i really2 appreciate it.
For him
For her
love you so much...
Labels: anniversary
Happy 1st Anniversary!!
i dunno but everything is happening so fast that i can't breathe. that was the reason i had asthma. wahahaha! whatever it is, i love you so much. your misgivings, your sleeping habits and all. i love you and it has never changed. not even a bit. not even at all.
this is for you. enjoy it.
Labels: anniversary
on mc
i'm on mc today. down with asthma. had difficulties breathing. can't stop coughing and my chest is very painful now. my head is spinning and i wanna sleep now...
before that, i wanna sing this song for hafiz...
i'm not in the right mind, in other words i'm crazy..hee..
here i go..
(sing this to the tune of Old Macdonalds had a farm)
Mr Hafiz has a girl
And all the time his gf snaps
and she snaps snaps here and she snaps snaps there
snaps here snaps there
everywhere snaps snaps
Mr Hafiz has a girl
ayang, ok tak lagu ni?
since you said i always snap at you,
i dedicate this song to you k?