his passion
i love looking at guys playing the guitar. not just normal strumming but those who can really really play the guitar, if you know what i mean.. i find them sexy..
that day...he played the guitar..
i already find him sexy... and i think he's sexier when he played the guitar...wahahahah!
i am so in love...

they said...
i don't know whether this is true or not...
but they said if a couple looks alike, there's a high chance that they'll be together..
together as in they will end up in marriage...
if they don't look alike, does that mean they won't end up together?
i really don't know..
apa-apa pun...kalau dah jodoh tak ke mana, ye tak? (with ayu's tone)
so i managed to watch 'Alone' yesterday. (afah, i hope i have my punctuation right!)
the sound effect scared the shit out of me. it was an unexpected ending. i'll give a 6.5 out of 10.
after a long time
met up with mie and lala last saturday... been a while...
had lunch cum dinner... did some catching up of cos...
the initial plan was to go for a coffee presentation..mie had to attend it. so i thought of bringing haf there cos he has never been to a coffee presentation...but..
changed of plans...
mie and lala still went for the coffee presentation...
me and hafiz?
hehe...we bought tickets foooooorrrrrr.......
got it for much much cheaper....because of....
CDANS Card!! hee...
soooo...met up with them again..
went for the cable car ride...
well, well, well....it was my very first time...
and seriously i was scared especially when i started recalling about the accident happened years ago...
i went to catch Harry Potter last sunday...
i liked it!
in fact, i like all the series...very interesting...
so i'm thinking of catching another movie today...
ALOOOONNNEEE.....A horror movie....
our childhood dreams
It was a mere talk. we were still small then. we didn't even know whether it's gonna happen or not. whether we are going to fulfill our promises.
we promised to be there for each other, during our engagement and marriage. we promised that we will buy a house next to each other when we are married. i still remember, the promises were made when we were in primary school.
now, more than a decade has passed. we still hold on to our promises. we were there for each other's engagement. next will be marriage. InsyaAllah...
Hopefully, we'll stay strong, overcoming the obstacles in this phase of our lives.
*entry inspired by Julie's blog.
the lectures, tutorials, assignments, presentations and exams. the food, the flight of staircase, 199, the morning classes...and you girls.

i don't think anyone would forget this. it's the best period of time in our teaching life. i think. with the people around you, supporting each other, we still managed to complete our sastera essay. the killer essay. agree, agree, agree?

Finally, we have graduated.

these girls. will miss them a lot. studying, gossipping, cooking(afah will do the job), eating and erm...sleeping... ok i still owe you girls a meet up. soon k? afah, kau drive acam? kita jalan2!!!

Wouldn't have made it if not for the both of them of cos. Thank you. Love you both.

Haf. i wouldn't have made it too if he didn't understand what i went through. helping me out in my lessons. pasting, cutting and drawing.
it's a double happy occasion to celebrate. i'm so happy. even if it's temporary, i'm still happy. thank you.

A full-fledged teacher. with more responsibilities to fulfill. Hope that this journey will be a wonderful one. InsyaAllah..
07.07.07 will be one of the dates to be remembered and marked on the calendar. mine and yours of cos.
I would like to thank my family and relatives for the time and effort spent to make it a success.
To Ayu,
Thanks for the make up and hairdo. It was a great job. Some thought it was a mak andam's work.
To June(future sis-in-law),
Thanks for the gubahan. Thanks for the last minute touch up for all the gubahans. Thanks for putting aside time to attend my engagement and of cos rushing to the hospital to accompany my bro.
To Julie,
Thank you for coming and witnessing everything. We have moved on to another phase of life. Happy to see both of us happy...love you...
To Afah,
Thank you for the cake...wording atas cake tu kan touching beb...takde org buat punya...
To Naz,
Thank you for the surprise...ermm...and sorrrryyy.... but i got to eat the cupcakes....really...thank you...dun be upset k?
To friends,
Thanks for your well wishes...sorry didn't invite you people but i sure will for my wedding, insyallah...
To you,
Thanks...I am happy...never been better..
fifi's 21st birthday cum farewell
Happy 21st birthday fifi...

wish you all the best in your studies...
Don't forget us here...