Some people just don't change, won't change or can't change even. promises they can't keep. from then till now. who cares anyway... i'm glad i'm out of it. away from it. promises are still promises anyway.
To all the educators out there,
*Afah, Ayu, Ayul...wanna meet up next week?
The Sound of Music
Music touches everyone in different ways.
My all time favourite movie.
One day, i'll do just that for my children. Sing for them like i always do with Nurul.
blessed with everything
That day, on the eve of National Day, we had a staff retreat. We started with lunch at Kintamani Indonesian Restaurant at Furama Riverfront Hotel. We were dressed in 3/4 pants and some even in shorts. Food was good. Off to Sentosa we went. We had a so called amazing race. It was tiring yet informative. If not for the race, i wouldn't have known that Mount Imbiah is 131m above the sea level. Seriously, i had a good walk and run after a long long long long time. By the end of the day, i was half dead. serious.
That was on the eve of ND. I had another long walk with him on ND. I wanted to walk. So we decided to walk from Liat to Plaza Singapura and back to Liat. We'll just pop in any shops whenever we feel like it. I didn't feel tired at all walking with him by my side. With all the jokes and laughter, all the tiredness somehow went away.
Friday was a holiday. I had my driving test that day. All set but was a little scared. Drove quite smooth during the warm-up but as usual i was thinking i might screw up in front of the tester. So i drove... and the tester didn't test me for the u-turn...asked to go back to the school. I was so sure i didn't make it again. Alhamdulillah, i passed! i was so happy. First person to know was of cos my man! Well, he was the one who was supporting me all the time - booking of lessons, calling the private instructor, running errands for me and all.
I called him and the conversation went like this...
Atie: Hi, I finished my test.
Haf: So how?
Atie: I did not make it.
(sounded very sad)Haf: (Kept quiet)Atie: I sekarang tgh duduk
Haf: U duduk kat mana ni? tgh buat ape?
(sounded very concern)Atie: Oh, I tgh duduk, tgh tunggu nak tgk video.
Haf: (Kept quiet)...(after a while, maybe after the info got digested in his mind) Kurang ajar! u passed!!!
And we both laughed...
After so long....finally i got my license...
Last sat, my man and I went to Seoul Garden. He has never been there so i brought him there. It's so nice to see him eat...i love looking at him when he's a kid eating so innocently.
Aisah, my primary schoolmate, got married last Sunday. She looked beautiful and the day was even more beautiful when we, the primary schoolmates, gathered. Most of us have our own careers. Some married with children, some engaged, some attached and some still single. each one of us has grown so beautifully...we have grown so much...from a little innocent kid to adults. Time flies. It was great seeing each one of them although not all were there.

We planned to hang out together after the wedding. Decided to go for karaoke. It was really2 fun. Listening to each of us croaking. I didn't know singing makes you hungry. We were all hungry. Went to Jalan Kayu. Lost our way. i mean me and haf. Thanks Afah for the directions. The chats were good. After a topic to another... It was really really fun.

Thanks guys...
I think we should do this more often. right guys?? hopefully...
And you, i will always enjoy your company... thank you...

never been better...