Sometime in late April....
Me: My friend is getting married...She's inviting us.'s on your birthday...
Haf: huh? really..
Me: So how? it's your birthday and it's her wedding. Wedding is once and a year boleh celebrate kan? heh...
Haf: ok...we'll more important....
Haf: oh kau nak kahwin next year? not in 2010. so when exactly?
Muhammad: a'ah...aku nikah on 9th of May....birthday tunang aku...
Haf: ah yelah...lepas tu kau sanding on the next day...birthday aku! birthday aku this year, aku kena pegi wedding, next year pun aku kena pegi wedding...
so the moral of the story:
no moral...cuma kesian je...heheh....
Good news....
Hi ...... & Norhayati Sooooooooo.....I am confirmed. Bad news.... 1) More work 2) More and more work 3)More, more and more work Oh...another good news...aisah is giving birth soon....real soon... that equals to more, more , more and more work.... She won't be coming back till term 4 week's a way of her saying,"I love you, yati!" **if she reads this...she will say, "kurang asam punya budak!" |
Had lunch with Aisah, Anne and Mrs Logan. It was a farewell lunch for anne who is going to transfer to another school. The food was really good. The desserts were just as good. While i was eating, i felt itchy at my hand. I seriously thought that it was a mosquito bite. After the lunch, it got worst and I found out that my legs were itching too.
hands, legs and then my neck...
By then, I've already met Hafiz. He looked at my hands and my neck. Oh by this time, it has spreaded to my ears.
So he said,"Let's go to the doctor."
Me: huh? doctor?
Him: You dah macam siamang.
Me: Shut up. Dun make me angry. I'm itching all over and feeling uncomfortable.
Him: ok ok, relax...
So we went to my family clinic. One look by the doctor and she said,"Oh, that's hives."
Me: "What's that?"
Doctor: "That's a kind of allergy."
Me: " I ate seafood just now but this is my first time getting this."
Doctor: "It might be the seasoning. I'll give you a jab, it's faster"
Me: ok.
So after the lunch, what did i get?
a full stomach, an itchy body, a jab and an mc.
so mummy dabbed my body with super hot water and spreaded some agnesia powder.
ate my medicine and fell asleep.
and now i'm feeling much better cos the redness and itchiness have subsided.
I dunno but i think you're a liar.
i dunno what's your motive.
I seriously think you have a problem.
Maybe you should look at yourself in the mirror and stop blaming others.
Lesson for me:
Dun judge a book by its cover.
Once Bitten, Twice Shy.